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Showing posts from March, 2015

Report of database workload and top SQL statistics

1. shell script: #!/bin/ksh export ORACLE_SID= export ORACLE_HOME= export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$HOME/dba:$PATH sqlplus  -s " u/p@prod" <<EOF set verify off set feed off set pagesize 1000 set linesize 130 set head on set markup html on entmap ON spool on preformat off spool cap_report.xls @cap_report.sql spool off EOF BDATE=`sqlplus -s  "u/p" <<EOF set pages 0 trimsp on feed off timing off time off select TRUNC(SYSDATE-7) from dual; exit EOF ` EDATE=`sqlplus -s  "u/p" <<EOF set pages 0 trimsp on feed off timing off time off select TRUNC(SYSDATE-1) from dual; exit EOF ` (echo "IBMS PROD load metrics and top SQL for $BDATE to $EDATE";uuencode cap_report.xls cap_report.xls)|mail -s  "IBMS PROD load metrics and top SQL for $BDATE to $EDATE" mv cap_report.xls cap_report.xls.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` 2. the sql cap_re...

Big Query performance improvement from defraging table partition segment

An nightly ETL job run longer and longer recently and the SLA is jeopardized, we analyzed the query performance and reduced the job duration 5 times. three changes are made, the major improvement came from the de-fragmentation of the table subpartition. The first step is to find out which queries are the top consumer of CPU and elapsed time of the nightly job, I use the following query sqljournal to find out what query is responsible to the slowness.  undefine mnits   undefine begin_hh24mi    undefine end_hh24mi  set linesize 300  col sample_time format a25  col username format a12  col hh24miss format a8  col sid format 9999  col blksid format 9999  col event format a30  col object_name format a15  col current_obj format 99999999  col entry_obj format 9999999  col program format a15  col module format a15  col machine format a17  col MIN(SAMPLE_TIME) format a10  col MAX(...