###To get all the database instance name on a consolidated Unix/Linux server: #because some of the RAC-ONE-NODE db instance has ckpt process name like this ora_ckpt_dbname_1, we have to deal with the third "_" and forth field: ps -ef|grep ckpt|awk '{print $8}'|awk ' FS="_" { print $3"_"$4}'|sed 's/_$//g'|egrep -ve "^$|+ASM|-MGMT" ###To find any running db instance missing in /etc/oratab: for db in `ps -ef|grep ckpt|grep -v -i asm|grep -v -i "MGMTDB"|awk '{print $8}'|awk ' FS="_" {print $3"_"$4}'|sed 's/_$//g'|sort` do export ORACLE_SID=$db if ! grep -w $ORACLE_SID /etc/oratab 1>/dev/null ; then echo $ORACLE_SID else : fi done ###To loop through the databases on the consolidated server: for example, to find RAC db export ORAENV_ASK=NO for db in `ps -ef|grep ckpt|awk '{print $8}'|sort|awk ' FS="_" { print $3"_"$4;}...