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Showing posts from November, 2018

RAC database restore from netbackup tape without RMAN catalog

The Oracle RAC databases were being backed up regularly without using catalog, even worse, the database controlfile autobackup was turned off.  That configuration compromise the RPO. I restored and recovered the database to the latest scn that the last controlfile backup knows, but not the latest scn that available in the archivelogs. Below are the steps: The assumption is that all database files, controlfile are gone. 1. list available backup handles in netbackup after a particular date: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -l -S $netbackupserver -C $client -t 4 -R -s 11/29/2018 / output: ... -rw-rw---- oracle    asmadmin     19922944 Nov 29 11:55 /ctrl_dAPIMGRS_u16tje9lj_s1062_p1_t993470131 -rw-rw---- oracle    asmadmin    142082048 Nov 29 11:54 /arch_dAPIMGRS_u15tje9kd_s1061_p1_t993470093 ... From the above output, we guess the latest controlfile backup is in /ctrl_dAPIMGRS_u16tje9lj_s1062_p1_t993470131 2.  restore cont...

Powershell, SQLLDR, CMDB for MSSQL

The following are the end-to-end coding solution to collect MSSQL system information (CPU/cores, memroy, disk space and free space, OS version, database version and edition), and load the information to Oracle database as CMDB repository, the steps are: Create tables as CMDB repository in oracle db: mssqlhostcpuinfo ; mssqlhostmemoryinfo ; mssqlhostdiskinfo ; mssqlhostosinfo ; mssqlhostdbinfo ; Truncate the above tables Run powershell to collect MSSQL server information and output to files mssqlcpu.txt, ssqlos.txt,mssqldb.txt,mssqlmem.txt,mssqldisk.txt Run sqlldr and load above txt file into the repository tables Create view mssqlcmdball, mssqlcmdbserver, mssqlcmdbdb Step 1: create table mssqlhostcpuinfo (hostname varchar2(20), cores int,logicalcors int); create table mssqlhostmemoryinfo (hostname varchar2(20), membytes number(13)); create table mssqlhostdiskinfo (hostname varchar2(20), diskletter varchar2(2),capacity number(13), freedisk number(13)); c...