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Showing posts from March, 2020

RMAN validate all databases on host shell script

This script will loop all running db instances and run rman validate database #!/bin/sh #created on March, 2020 by Jiulu Sun #use the following two commands to manually generate the instance list and create oratab_host file to loop # ps -ef|grep ckpt |awk '{print $8}'|awk -F "_" '{if (NF==3) print $3;if (NF==4) print $3"_"$4}'|grep -v "ASM"|grep -v '^_' > dblist_vdclracdev01 # for inst in $(<dblist_vdclracdev01)^Jdo^Jgrep -i ${inst}":" /etc/oratab|awk -F ":" '{print $1":"$2}'^Jdone > oratab_vdclracdev01 #now the oratab_host file is created, validate all of them. LOG_LOCATION=/u01/dba/jsun timestamp=`date  +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S` hostname=`hostname` RMANLOG_FILE=$LOG_LOCATION/RmanValidate_$hostname_$timestamp.log SQLPLUS_LOGFILE=$LOG_LOCATION/sqlplus_logfile_$hostname_$timestamp.log ORATAB=$LOG_LOCATION/oratab_vdclracdev01 HOSTNAME=`hostname` export NLS_DATE_FORMAT="dd-mo...