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Showing posts from 2022

SQL Server query store usage example

To find query duration average.  declare @searchSQL varchar(max) ='%SELECT%vwVesselsEditableForms%join%tblEmployeePOAAccess%' SELECT qsp.query_id, QSP.plan_id, min(QSRS.first_execution_time) min_first_execution_time, max(QSRS.last_execution_time)  max_last_execution_time, sum(qsrs.count_executions*QSRS.avg_duration/1000000) total_seconds,  qsq.query_hash, qsp.query_plan_hash, avg(QSRS.avg_duration)/1000000 avg_duration_sec, sum(qsrs.count_executions) total_executions, min(qsrs.min_duration)/1000000 min_duration_sec,max(qsrs.max_duration)/1000000 max_duration_sec, QST.query_sql_text, qsp.query_plan FROM sys.query_store_plan AS QSP  JOIN sys.query_store_query AS QSQ      ON QSP.query_id = QSQ.query_id   JOIN sys.query_store_query_text AS QST      ON QSQ.query_text_id = QST.query_text_id  JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats  QSRS   ON QSP.plan_id =QSRS.plan_id where  qst.query_sql_text like @searchSQL group...

BDP and TCP window size: Why file copy between sql server is slow (5MByte/sec)

 I have 700GB sql server database dump file need to be copied from prod server to test, the copy speed is only 5MByte/s,  I asked network admin, here is his response: " Based on a queue depth of approximately 20% of our 1Gbps WAN link and a latency of 12ms between Data Centers the speed you're receiving is in alignment with a standard TCP Window of 64KB.   BDP (200 Mbit/sec, 12.0 ms) = 0.30 MByte required tcp buffer to reach 200 Mbps with RTT of 12.0 ms >= 293.0 KByte maximum throughput with a TCP window of 64 KByte and RTT of 12.0 ms <= 43.69 Mbit/sec.   == 5.46125 MB/s " To understand it better, this link explain what BDP is: This link below explain how BDP and tcp receiver buffer works: Then lead to the solution how to change it, described here:

What caused SQLServer huge transaction log

One sharepoint database transaction log file and backup is getting huge, sharepoint admin turned off the auditing and other features and still having big tran log generated every day. I dig into it and found what is responsible: Thanks to this: SELECT [Operation], count(*) AS [No of Records], SUM([Log Record Length]/1024.00/1024.00) AS [RecordSize (MB)] FROM fn_dblog(NULL,NULL) GROUP BY Operation ORDER BY [RecordSize (MB)] DESC so it's the LOP_shrink_noop that generated 7GB transaction log today since last backup, that's because the database auto shrink is set to true. select name,is_auto_shrink_on, * FROM    sys.databases Turn off the autoShrink fixed the problem. If the cause is DML, you can find what table is it. SELECT        [Operation]        ,SUM([Log Record Length]/1024.00/1024.00) AS [RecordSize (MB)]          ,count(*) OperationCount   ...

MS SQL Server: Query store fix performance issue

Here are some reference links and script I used to fix performance issue by force query plan using query store feature:  -- -- --ALTER DATABASE [system-abccompany] SET QUERY_STORE = ON (OPERATION_MODE = READ_WRITE); --ALTER DATABASE [system-abccompany] SET QUERY_STORE = ON ( WAIT_STATS_CAPTURE_MODE = ON ); --SELECT actual_state_desc, desired_state_desc, current_storage_size_mb,    max_storage_size_mb, readonly_reason, interval_length_minutes,    stale_query_threshold_days, size_based_cleanup_mode_desc,    query_capture_mode_desc --FROM sys.database_query_store_options; --select count(*) from sys.query_store_query --ALTER DATABASE [system-abccompany] SET QUERY_STORE (MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB =100); --ALTER DATABASE [system-abccompany] SE...

SQL Server: Page Life Expectancy

SQL Server is having severe performance issue during testing, found out the PLE is under 500, one db session hung for 2 hours. I use the following queries to find out what's going on:   Thanks to this link about query the buffer pool select * from sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks where wait_type like 'PAGE%' --select * from sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks  SELECT TOP 50 qs.execution_count, AvgPhysicalReads = isnull( qs.total_physical_reads/ qs.execution_count, 0 ), MinPhysicalReads = qs.min_physical_reads, MaxPhysicalReads = qs.max_physical_reads, AvgPhysicalReads_kbsize = isnull( qs.total_physical_reads/ qs.execution_count, 0 ) *8, MinPhysicalReads_kbsize = qs.min_physical_reads*8, MaxPhysicalReads_kbsize = qs.max_physical_reads*8, CreationDateTime = qs.creation_time, SUBSTRING(qt.[text], qs.statement_start_offset/2, (  CASE  WHEN qs.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN LEN(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), qt.[text])) * 2  ELSE qs.s...

Powershell manage sql server role

The following script check if some AD  users are a member of local group, what sqlserver agent group do they have, and grant the group the role. foreach ($sqlserver in "servername1","servername2") { echo $sqlserver invoke-command -computername $sqlserver  -scriptblock {get-localgroupmember -name TCCSDBwriter*|format-list -property name|findstr /I "vaketi amohamme dmorad"} &sqlcmd -S $sqlserver -i query_agentjob_role.sql -Y 40 &sqlcmd -S $sqlserver -i grant_agentjob_role.sql } The query_agentjob_role.sql: SELECT AS DatabaseRoleName,       isnull (, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName     FROM msdb.sys.database_role_members AS DRM    RIGHT OUTER JOIN msdb.sys.database_principals AS DP1      ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.sys.database_principals AS DP2      ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_...