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powershell script to loop database query etc on multiple servers.

1. To test connection time:

get-content bosslist.txt|foreach-object {measure-command {(echo "select 1 from dual")|sqlplus jsun/$PASSWD@"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = $_)(Port = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID =SIDNAME)))"}}|findstr TotalSeconds

output looks like this:
TotalSeconds      : 1.6875126
TotalSeconds      : 1.6090257
TotalSeconds      : 1.61322

1.2: This command will combine the server name to the totalseconds output.
get-content bosslist.txt|foreach-object {
measure-command {(echo "select 1 from dual")|sqlplus jsun/$PASSWD@"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = $_)(Port = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID =PCP1)))"}
}|select-object  {"Server "+$server+" : "+$_.TotalSeconds}

output look like this:

"Server "+$server+" : "+$_.TotalSeconds
Server server1                : 0.6284025
Server server2              : 0.9404446
Server server3                : 0.8597954

2. To find the database instance restart history for database name in racdb.txt:
get-content racdb.txt|foreach-object {(echo "SELECT db_name,instance_name, STARTUP_TIME FROM dba_hist_database_instance where STARTUP_TIME>sysdate-30 ORDER BY startup_time DESC;")|sqlplus jsun/$PASSWD@"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = scan.prd01.rac.bcferries.corp)(Port = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (Service_name =$" >> racdbrestart.txt}

3. To run sql script on all the servers:
get-content bosslist.txt|foreach-object {$_;sqlplus jsun/$PASSWD@$_ '@bossgrants.txt' }

4. To run sql script on multiple sqlserver:
get-content sqlserver.txt|foreach-object {osql -S $_ -E -i "c:\dropit\addlogin.sql" -o "c:\dropit\$_.txt"}

and then check the output file $_.txt

get-content sqlserver.txt|foreach-object {$_;get-content "c:\dropit\$_.txt"}


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